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And so, the Journey Begins...

Dare to be the lone tree on the path.

For most people in this day and age, pursuing our dreams can seem absolutely impossible. Dragged down by our daily lives, with work, sleep, health, exercise, not to mention our desires for socialization, family lives, and some form of entertainment, we find ourselves lost in a sea that threatens to drown us each and every waking moment. In many cases, that leaves us feeling lost, anxious, alone, and depressed. We lose confidence in ourselves - if we ever had it at all.

I can tell you now that you are not alone in this daily journey through life. When each moment seems to last forever, and you're just trying to make it through to the end of the day. And you tell yourself - just another day. I'll try to do better tomorrow. I'll pick up that instrument and play it tomorrow. I'll network with potential customers tomorrow. I'll build that chair tomorrow. But then tomorrow never comes.

But somewhere in that mess of life, I found hope.

My first sunset in Korea

It's disheartening, I know. I've been there. I've struggled. I've cried and screamed and felt so lost that I swore I was going to drown in it. But somewhere in that mess of life, I found hope. Hope for another day. That tomorrow actually would be different. Except instead of just waiting for tomorrow, I made it happen. I downloaded that app that helps with daily habits. I read the book that supposedly changes lives. And I kept reading. And learning. And growing.

Before I knew it, tomorrow came. And it continues to come. Now, my journey has begun, and I hope to help you through yours by spurring that fire inside of you. I find it only right to start by telling you how I began in hopes that you feel some kind of connection to your own life, and that you use that connection to pull your head above the water and make it through the next few minutes with me.

Whether I was anxious, angry, alone, or lost, I always found myself writing.

First thing's first, let me introduce myself. My name is Cassandra. Some people call me Cass. Others even call me Mowkie. I've spent many years in the online world pursuing my dreams of writing by finding others like myself and writing with them. This was always done simply as a labor of love. Writing was my escape. My way of coping with things I didn't understand about life. Whether I was anxious, angry, alone, or lost, I always found myself writing. Even when I was a child, I found joy in it.

As of today, Monday, March 15th, 2021 (at least in Korea - it's still Sunday back in the US), I am the mother of a beautiful young lady who starts Kindergarten this year, the wife of an amazing man and a wonderful leader in his field, and the guardian of the best kitty in the world.

But I am so much more than those things. For we as individuals forget that who we are is not defined by what we do. We are not our achievements. At the end of the day, my name is not wife or mother or guardian. My name is Cass. And I love to write. I love to bring people together to tell stories and grow. I love to help wherever I can, even if I don't always know how to walk up to someone and just say, "Hi, there."

It's okay to forget who you are. To get lost in the struggle of the day-to-day. It's okay to miss yourself. It's okay to feel so overwhelmed. I'm here to remind you of that.

When your head hits the pillow tonight, look back and remember how far you've come.

We're all human. We all struggle with something. And sometimes, all we need is that voice. I would be honored to be among the voices telling you that you are enough just as who you are. That you shouldn't be striving for the "should" and "what if" and the need for perfection. Simply take each moment as what it is and learning the lessons that you can. You can do anything in the world! All you need to do is take that first step. Ask yourself, "What do I want in all the world?"

Don't worry. You don't need an answer right this moment. My answer slapped me in the face after years of asking the question. Instead, work on the next five minutes. And then the next. And when your head hits the pillow tonight, look back and remember how far you've come. Tomorrow won't be quite so bad.

You got this.

And until next time, happy reading.


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