Happy Monday, Readers!
During my morning read today enjoying the book, Stories of the Raksura: Volume I, I noticed a particular word repeated a few times. Due to the tense nature of this particular story, it's only right that this word be consternation.
Consternation | kän(t)-stər-ˈnā-shən: noun: amazement or dismay that hinders or throws into confusion
It's easy to describe a scene or even talk about feelings of distress or tension with those words. The words, anxious, confusion, or worry appear surprisingly often. It's not too often that I get to see consternation in a book, so it stood out to me.
Consternation | kɑːn.stɚˈneɪ.ʃən: a feeling of worry, shock, or confusion
The particular use of this word in the novel written by Martha Wells delighted me as a writer, and I felt giddy with the idea of using this word as the word today. Not as silly as some other words in the English language, but a good one nonetheless.
Tranquil was trying to control her expression and her spines, both of which twitched between consternation and disgust.
As Moon watched he saw Chime's expression change slowly to consternation, his head start to turn.
-Stories of the Raksura: Volume I by Martha Wells
Tomorrow, I'll have another word up, but instead of getting it from my book, I'm going to browse my handy dandy pocket dictionary with the kiddo. Until then, happy reading.