As Tuesday comes to a close, I find myself wondering where my next word can come from. I've found so many beautiful words in my pocket dictionary simply by asking my husband and daughter to pick a letter before reading through the row upon row of words. The English language forever blows me away.
However, I wanted a word that resonated in my current reads, so that I could give a proper example of the use of the word through another writer's skill. And maybe have some kind of title picture.
At last, I have found my word: Ethereal.
Ethereal | iˈθɪr.i.əl : Adjective: light and delicate in an unnatural way
Funny enough, when I first started talking to a very close friend of mine about building this website, we came up with a theme that shows gentleness as well as strength. A lightness that is intoxicating in a mystical way. Ethereal was the term she used then. Funny how it came up again so quickly!
Ethereal | i-ˈthir-ē-əl: Adjective: of or relating to the regions beyond the earth; lacking material substance, immaterial, intangible; marked by unusual delicacy or refinement
The book I found this word in that I would like to use today is titled Dragon Thief, by author Marc Secchia. Marc's writing style reminds me very much of my own, and when I read the sentence I wish to show you today, it gave me chills.
Dragonish language Kal did not recognise, for its words were droplets of star fire and its notes a glissade of starlight dappling upon still lakes, incendiary and thrilling, ethereal and devoted.
I've always loved the word, but seeing it in this context makes me excited to get to this book! I love finding little gems like this one.
Perhaps tomorrow I'll be able to find another gem. Until then, though, happy reading!