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Word of the Day | Fortuitous

st of my opportunities to meet other people happen on the playground within the apartment complex I live in. In just the past few months, I have managed to meet a wide range of beautiful people who often share similar interests with me while also having children who enjoy playing with my daughter. In every case, it becomes a win-win situation for us all.

Yesterday was quite fortuitous, as our conversations at the playground turned to what we were going to do today. It turns out, I'm not the only fan of a good hiking trail, and I got the opportunity to hike with a friend on top of watching my girl conquer her fears of the mountain. It was in every way a blissful experience, and it's a perfect segway into today's word, fortuitous.

Fortuitous | fɔːrˈtuː.ə.t̬əs: adjective: (of something that is to your advantage) not planned, happening by chance

In many ways, fortuitous is just another word for a fortunate coincidence, and in my opinion, it's a much more elegant representation of good fortune. There are just those words that roll off the tongue, and this is certainly one of them.

Fortuitous | fȯr-ˈtü-ə-təs: adjective: occurring by chance; fortunate, lucky, coming or happening by lucky chance

I do happen to see this word a bit more often than some of the ones I've used as Words of the Day so far, but even still, I'd imagine not everyone is familiar with it in writing. Today, I'll use an example of it in dialogue and also introduce what will be my Book of the Month, Moon Chosen by P.C. Cast.

This particular author is a personal favorite, and her lore in the House of Night series helped me develop my main goddess in my own creative works into the character that she is today. P.C. Cast is one of the few authors I actually follow to see when her newest works come out. I don't read everything, but what I do read, I adore.

"It is a fortuitous choosing indeed that is completed just before sunset," Sol said.

Not only do I recommend you read this book and its sequels, but I also recommend you add this beautiful word to your vocabulary. It may be a little old-fashioned, but it is a word that can certainly turn heads if you use it well, in both verbal and written speech. Be sure to check in tomorrow to see what we've been up to regarding outdoor activity. And until then, happy reading!


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