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Word of the Day | Incredulous

There are always going to be those days where hard truths will come to pass. At first, I always feel incredulous and resistant to the idea of something difficult coming my way. Take, for example, the fear that now sits in my heart as I stare at my outline knowing that I now need to put words to paper and write my first draft. Right now, I am incredulous. I don't want to accept that I have to actually write the book to have it seen by people. But with time, I'll accept it as it is and get started.

For now, though, let's talk about today's word, so I can keep putting this first draft off.

Incredulous | in-ˈkre-jə-ləs: adjective: unwilling to admit or accept what is offered as true, not credulous, skeptical; expressing incredulity; incredible (sense 1)

There are uncountable instances where I've seen this word used in written works. However, up until today when looking at its etymology and history, I hadn't even known about its antonym. Naturally, like many words that start with in- or un-, someone just tacked on those letters to make it mean the opposite.

What I find fascinating about it is the common confusion that happened with its first couple of centuries of use. According to the Merriam-Webster website, there were centuries of incredulous being used to describe something as incredible, all the way until the twentieth century, where the third definition was added in for clarification.

Incredulous | ɪnˈkredʒ.ə.ləs: adjective: not wanting or not able to believe something, and usually showing this

I most often see incredulous used to describe an expression or look given from one character to another, typically over something that was said or an action that was surprising. Sometimes, it can be mistaken as shock or even sarcasm, but incredulous has a meaning all its own.

Going back to our Book of the Month, incredulous is used a few times to show the unbelievable things happening between the characters in many different ways throughout the story of Mari. To take a character who is different from all others of her kind, but also different from other kinds as well can lead to some interesting and rather difficult experiences.

She met his eyes and shook her head, sending him an incredulous look. "First, that's way more than one question. Second, let me guess - the only Earth Walkers you've known, except for Sora and me, were your prisoners."

The developing relationship between Mari and Nik, the one who asked tons of questions, is quite the roller coaster of emotions. To see someone who has always been known as an enemy suddenly as a friend is a difficult transition, and I think Cast creates this tension well. Now, to create this kind of depth, myself. I suppose there's only one way to do it. Off to work on that draft now. Until my next post, happy reading!


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