One of my favorite public figures is a man named Dhar Mann (not sponsored - I just really like him is all) and his ability to create short story videos that show the other side of really tough life situations. These stories often lead to the main character of the story having a change of heart and, in some cases, growing a sense of compassion and becoming magnanimous in the way they act and behave towards other people.
He is a wonderful reminder each day that we as people should always focus on building each other up and helping whenever we can instead of getting trapped inside our own heads, our own sorrows, our own anger, and taking it out on others. I firmly believe that showing that kind of selflessness takes regular practice for each of us.
Magnanimous | mæɡˈnæn.ə.məs: adjective: very kind and generous towards an enemy or someone you have defeated
I've always appreciated the word, magnanimous, both in its meanings and the way it rolls from the tongue so easily. What I love even more is that it is a fully Latin derivative, having taken two words, magnus - meaning great - and animus - meaning soul or spirit - and putting them together to create something beautiful. To be magnanimous is to show greatness in spirit.
In my own works, I like to use magnanimous to describe a particularly powerful being, either a dragon or god or a derivative of my own creation, such as my mowkies. These beings are often benevolent, noble, and generous in almost every way, though, admittedly, there are always exceptions.
Magnanimous | mag-ˈna-nə-məs: adjective: showing or suggesting a lofty and courageous spirit; showing or suggesting nobility of feeling and generosity of mind
Speaking of exceptions, today's pick to use magnanimous is a god who represents the exact opposite of generous and noble: Death. Like a whirlwind, I have been dancing through Wind Rider with excitement and haste, putting the puzzle pieces together jovially and then reading on to see if I'm correct.
It is in Wind Rider that I found today's use of magnanimous in the main antagonist, the god who calls himself Death, who always seems to act as though he will grant any wish to those who serve him faithfully. I find antagonists like this god to be most thrilling, as they appear almost unkillable until it's finally time to defeat them. Of course, that then leads me into the curiosity of defeating Death, if that's even a possibility. But I'm getting ahead of myself!
Death loved to appear magnanimous, often granting favors to those loyal to Him. Of course, He took away those same favors, and much more, the instant He perceived a lack of loyalty.
Today's word took us through quite a wide range of topics, from something I enjoy watching to keep my head on straight to the things that I enjoy reading and writing about and even on to squee about another language and its beauty. But it was completely worth it! In what ways do you find yourself using magnanimous? What other words do you prefer to use in this way? How do you enjoy your antagonists the most? Tell me all about it, and until tomorrow, happy reading!