Today, my hike consisted of an adventure down to the waterfront of Pyeongtaek Lake. The air quality was amazing, with clear skies and a fresh rain just two days prior to wash away all of the dust and pollutants that typically cast a yellow fog across the horizon. When we got to the waterfront, despite the wind, the waves were gently undulating across the open expanse of blue, and geese bobbed across the surface before disappearing beneath to catch their meal.
I found the entire scene rather peaceful, and it was a massive help to clear my head and my heart, which had been weighed down by the harmful thoughts that often come with a flareup of chronic pain. The sounds of those undulating waves washed over my pitching emotions and took the weight away with them before we made it back around the mountain.
Undulate | ʌn.djʊ.leɪt: verb: to have a continuous up and down shape or movement, like waves on the sea
I always thought that undulate was a harsh word, like stirring or a whirlpool of water. I never imagined it could also simply mean a wave. One could as easily undulate gently as they could with malice. It's all about the water that flows.
Of course, there's also the undulated appearance, like the surface of a leaf or the feathers on a bird's wing. Fibers could undulate instead of ripple. The sound of music could undulate as it cascades across the senses. I find that my previous experience with the word was too narrow, and I'm pleased to have found so many ways to use it in the future.
Undulate | ən-jə-ˌlāt: verb: 1) to form or move in waves; 2) to rise and fall in volume, pitch, or cadence; 3) to present a wavy appearance; adjective: having a wavy surface, edge, or markings
In the use that I recalled the word from originally, I got such a sinister feeling from the word that I could only imagine it as harsh and unforgiving. I wasn't prepared to see such variety in definitions and possible uses. Still, the use of undulate is well done, and I applaud the author for such exquisite taste.
He turned his back to the statue and continued gazing out at the distant ridge and the ominous clouds that undulated up from the forest as if lifting in time to the beat of sinister drums.
Naturally, the word sinister is actually in the sentence, so I suppose that was kind of the point behind the use of the word in that particular context. I'm still glad it led me here, though, to learn more about a wonderful word and to share it with a wonderful audience.
I also learned of another interesting word while on my quest to discover the meaning of undulate. If I can, I plan to use it tomorrow. If you have other words for me to share, though, don't hesitate to let me know! And until tomorrow, happy reading!